Your A-Z Guide to Streaming Protocols

From HLS to Zixi, explore the expansive world of live streaming protocols, each with its unique flair and functionality. Be it for broadcast, IP streaming, or both, we've got you covered.a

DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)

What: DASH, which stands for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique. It enables the high-quality streaming of media content over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers. It works by breaking the content into a sequence of small segments, each containing a short interval of playback time, and by adaptively transferring segments as the content plays, adjusting the quality of the media to the current network conditions.


  • Adaptive Bitrate: DASH can adjust the quality of a video stream in real time according to the viewer's network conditions, ensuring an uninterrupted playback experience.
  • HTTP-Based: It uses regular HTTP protocol, ensuring high compatibility across servers and CDNs without any special infrastructure.
  • Flexible: Can be used with a variety of codecs (like H.264, H.265, VP9).
  • DRM Support: DASH is compatible with a wide range of digital rights management systems, providing secure content delivery.
  • Wide Industry Support: Supported by numerous devices, players, and platforms.


  • Higher Latency: DASH typically has higher latency compared to other protocols, making it less suitable for applications that need real-time or low-latency streaming.
  • Requires Player Support: Viewing DASH content requires compatible players.
  • Segmentation Overhead: The segmentation process might introduce overhead and complexity in content preparation.

Use Cases:

  • VOD Services: As one of the most popular methods for delivering Video On Demand.
  • Broadcast Live Events: For events where real-time interaction isn't crucial, such as standard TV broadcasts over the web.
  • OTT Platforms: Over-the-top media services use DASH for delivering content directly over the internet.
  • Web Streaming: Websites or platforms that stream content to diverse audiences with varying network conditions.
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HESP (High-Efficiency Streaming Protocol)

What: HESP is a protocol specifically designed to optimize streaming performance. Developed by THEO Technologies, it aims to provide reduced latency, minimal buffering, and high-quality video streaming. It builds upon the principles of both CMAF (Common Media Application Format) and HTTP/2 to deliver these advantages and is touted to offer latency as low as 1 second while maintaining optimal video quality.


  • Low Latency: HESP can achieve latencies as low as 1 second, which is significantly lower than many traditional streaming protocols.
  • Reduced Buffering: Designed to minimize buffering times, leading to a smoother viewer experience.
  • Bandwidth Efficiency: It optimizes bandwidth usage, thus delivering high-quality streams even in fluctuating network conditions.
  • Fast Channel Switching: Provides the capability to quickly switch between channels or different streams, enhancing user experience.
  • Scalability: Suitable for large-scale distribution, including CDN compatibility.


  • Newer Protocol: Being a relatively new protocol, its adoption might not be as widespread as other established protocols.
  • Specialized Player Needed: To take full advantage of HESP's capabilities, specialized players like THEOplayer are required.
  • Might Require Infrastructure Changes: To implement HESP, changes to existing streaming infrastructures may be necessary, leading to additional costs and integration challenges.

Use Cases:

  • Live Sports Broadcasting: Where low latency and quick channel switches are crucial for real-time viewing.
  • Interactive Streaming: Platforms where real-time interactions between streamers and viewers are essential.
  • Online Gaming: Broadcasting gaming sessions with minimal delay to ensure synchronous gameplay experiences.
  • OTT Services: Providers looking for a competitive edge by offering high-quality, low-latency streaming.
  • News Broadcasts: Where real-time updates and quick channel switching can be pivotal.
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HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)

What: HLS is a streaming protocol developed by Apple Inc. It works by breaking down live and on-demand videos into small chunks, encoding them at different bit rates, and then transmitting them over HTTP. This adaptability allows it to switch between different bitrate streams as network conditions change, offering a consistent viewing experience even in fluctuating bandwidth scenarios.


  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: Automatically adjusts video quality in real-time based on the viewer's network conditions.
  • Broad Device Compatibility: Supported by a wide range of devices, including iOS devices, Android phones, web browsers, and many smart TVs.
  • Reliable Streaming: Uses standard HTTP infrastructure which is widely accepted and typically not blocked by firewalls.
  • Error Recovery: In case of a transmission error, clients can request the chunk again, ensuring continuous playback.
  • Support for Encryption and DRM: Offers security measures to prevent unauthorized access and piracy.


  • Latency: Traditional HLS can have a higher latency compared to other protocols (though this can be mitigated with Apple's Low-Latency HLS variant).
  • Not Native to All Platforms: Requires additional players or plugins for platforms where HLS is not natively supported.
  • Bandwidth Overhead: Due to its chunk-based nature, there might be some bandwidth inefficiencies.

Use Cases:

  • OTT Platforms: Given its wide compatibility, many OTT platforms use HLS as a primary streaming protocol.
  • Live Events: Including sports, concerts, and ceremonies where adaptive bitrate can ensure consistent quality across varying networks.
  • Mobile Streaming: Particularly effective for mobile devices that might be switching between Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
  • Educational Platforms: Streaming lectures and tutorials where consistency and broad access are crucial.
  • Corporate Streaming: Webinars, training sessions, and corporate broadcasts that need to reach employees across different devices and networks.
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LL-DASH (Low Latency DASH)

What: LL-DASH is an adaptation of the DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) protocol specifically optimized for low latency. DASH is a widely used adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high-quality streaming via the Internet, adjusting in real time to the network conditions. The low-latency variant (LL-DASH) aims to reduce the latency involved in DASH streaming, bringing it closer to real-time.


  • Adaptive Bitrate: Like DASH, LL-DASH adjusts the video quality in real-time based on network conditions, ensuring a smooth viewer experience.
  • Low Latency: Designed to reduce latency to levels comparable to traditional broadcasting, making it suitable for real-time events.
  • HTTP-Based: Uses standard HTTP infrastructure, making it compatible with a wide range of server setups and CDNs.
  • DRM Support: Can support various digital rights management (DRM) systems, ensuring content protection.


  • Complexity: Implementing LL-DASH might be more complex than traditional streaming methods.
  • Still Not Real-time: While latency is reduced, it's still not entirely real-time, especially compared to protocols like WebRTC.
  • Requires Specific Player Support: Not all DASH players support the low-latency extensions, so a compatible player is required.

Use Cases:

  • Live Sports Streaming: For broadcasters who want to offer a near-real-time experience for live sports.
  • Interactive Streaming: For applications like auctions or betting where low latency is crucial.
  • Online Gaming Streams: Where viewers expect minimal delay between the streamer's actions and what they see.
  • News Broadcasting: To deliver breaking news with minimal delay.
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MPEG-TS (MPEG Transport Stream)

What: MPEG-TS is a standard format for transmitting video, audio, and data in a compressed form. It is primarily used for broadcasting systems such as digital television and IPTV. The transport stream allows for multiplexing of the digital video and audio, which means multiple video and audio streams can be combined into a single stream of data. The packets are typically 188 bytes long and can be sent over a variety of mediums, including terrestrial broadcast, satellite, cable, and IP.


  • Error Correction: Contains built-in error correction which makes it suitable for "noisy" transmission paths, such as terrestrial broadcasts.
  • Multiplexing: Ability to carry multiple channels in a single stream, which is crucial for broadcast scenarios.
  • Standardized: Widely accepted and adopted in the broadcasting industry.
  • Flexibility: Can transmit both compressed and uncompressed data, as well as other data types like digital teletext.
  • Synchronization: Maintains synchronization of audio, video, and data even in challenging network conditions.


  • Overhead: Contains additional overhead due to its error correction capabilities, leading to higher bandwidth usage.
  • Complexity: Decoding and encoding processes are more complex than some newer streaming protocols.
  • Not Ideal for Low Latency: Inherent latency issues, especially when used over IP.

Use Cases:

  • Digital TV Broadcasting: One of the main use cases, especially for terrestrial, satellite, and cable TV.
  • IPTV: Used to deliver TV services over IP networks.
  • Live Events: Especially in scenarios where the broadcast is transmitted over potentially lossy networks.
  • Security and Surveillance: For transmitting video feeds in real-time over various networks.
  • Professional Video Contribution: In scenarios where video feeds are being sent from a remote location to a central hub or studio.
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RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol)

What: RTMP is a protocol developed by Macromedia (later acquired by Adobe) for streaming audio, video, and data over the internet. Originally designed for delivering content from a server to a Flash player, RTMP maintains a persistent connection and allows for low-latency communication. This makes it well-suited for live streaming applications. RTMP operates primarily over TCP (although it can use UDP as well) and uses port 1935 by default.


  • Low Latency: Offers real-time or near-real-time communication, making it ideal for live broadcasts.
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: Can adjust the quality of the stream in real-time based on the viewer's internet speed.
  • Interactivity: Supports interactive functionalities, such as live chats during broadcasts.
  • Widespread Support: Supported by most of the media servers and streaming platforms, making it easy to implement.


  • Decreasing Support: Since the decline of Flash, support for RTMP is decreasing in browsers and is being replaced by newer protocols.
  • Firewall Issues: Its default port (1935) can be blocked by some firewalls, causing connection issues.
  • Less Efficient: Compared to some modern streaming protocols, it might be less efficient in terms of compression and delivery.

Use Cases:

  • Live Streaming: Especially in scenarios where low latency is crucial, like gaming, sports, or live events.
  • Video Chat Applications: Due to its real-time nature, it's used in some interactive chat applications.
  • Broadcasting Platforms: Many online streaming platforms still accept RTMP as an input, even if they deliver content in another format to the end user.
  • Surveillance: Used in certain security camera setups for real-time video monitoring.
  • Conferencing: In scenarios where real-time video communication is required.
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RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol)

What: RTSP is a network control protocol used for controlling the streaming media servers. Developed by RealNetworks, Netscape, and Columbia University, RTSP facilitates pause, play, and stop functions, behaving much like a remote control. It serves as a "traffic cop" for controlling the media stream, while the actual media data is transported using other protocols like RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) and RTCP (Real-time Transport Control Protocol).


  • Control: Offers extensive control over the playback of media streams, including pause, rewind, fast-forward, and more.
  • Flexibility: Can be used with a variety of transport protocols.
  • Interoperability: Supported by many video players, cameras, and software applications due to its standardized nature.
  • Session Maintenance: Can efficiently manage and maintain streaming sessions.


  • Complexity: RTSP can be more complex to set up and manage compared to some other streaming protocols.
  • Firewall and NAT Issues: Might face problems with certain firewall configurations and Network Address Translation (NAT).
  • Not Entirely Web-Friendly: As it isn't designed for end-to-end delivery to web browsers, additional setups like WebRTC might be needed for such applications.

Use Cases:

  • Surveillance Cameras: Many IP cameras use RTSP to transmit their feed.
  • Video on Demand Services: Allows users to control playback of content.
  • Media Servers: For managing and controlling the streaming of multimedia content.
  • Conference Systems: In scenarios where control over the media stream is essential.
  • Live Broadcasting: For scenarios where there's a need for the broadcaster to have control over the playback.
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SRT (Secure Reliable Transport)

What: SRT is an open-source protocol developed by Haivision that optimizes streaming performance over unpredictable networks. It delivers high-quality and secure, low-latency video across public networks. SRT works by compensating for packet loss, reducing latency, and securing video transport with encryption.


  • Low Latency: SRT is designed to provide low-latency video transport, making it ideal for live streaming.
  • Security: Offers AES encryption for secure video transport.
  • Error Recovery: SRT has mechanisms to recover from packet loss, ensuring smooth video delivery even over unstable networks.
  • Adaptive Bitrate: Can adjust to network conditions in real-time to provide the best streaming experience.


  • Complexity: Requires a deeper understanding to set up and optimize effectively.
  • Bandwidth: While it's efficient, SRT can consume more bandwidth than some other protocols if not configured properly.

Use Cases:

  • Remote Broadcasting: For broadcasters streaming live events from various locations.
  • Cloud-based Production: Streaming video to and from cloud services.
  • Secure Contribution and Distribution: When security and reliability are crucial for transporting video.
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WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication)

What: WebRTC is a free, open-source project that offers web browsers and mobile applications real-time communication (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. It facilitates peer-to-peer communication, enabling audio, video, and data sharing directly between browsers and devices without the need for an intermediary server.


  • Peer-to-Peer: Enables direct communication between devices, reducing latency.
  • Versatility: Supports video, audio, and data channels.
  • Browser Support: Native support in most modern web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • Security: Supports encrypted communication with Secure RTP protocol (SRTP) for both audio and video.
  • Adaptive: Can adjust to varying network conditions.


  • Complex Setup: Initial setup can be challenging due to the need for STUN/TURN servers and signaling.
  • Scalability: While suitable for small sessions, it can be challenging to scale for large broadcasts without additional infrastructure.
  • Variability: Different browsers might have different implementations, leading to potential inconsistencies.

Use Cases:

  • Video Conferencing: Platforms like Zoom and Google Meet leverage WebRTC for real-time communication.
  • Online Gaming: For real-time multiplayer games that require low latency.
  • Live Broadcasting: Allows influencers and brands to engage with their audience in real-time.
  • Telehealth: Virtual medical consultations and patient monitoring.
  • Peer-to-Peer File Sharing: Direct transfer of files between users.
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WHIP (WebRTC HTTP Ingest Protocol)

What: WHIP is a draft protocol designed to standardize the ingestion of live media within WebRTC into cloud-based media services and other broadcasting setups. It aims to simplify live streaming by providing a consistent interface for broadcasters and services.


  • Simplification: WHIP provides a standardized method for live media ingestion, making it simpler for broadcasters to interface with various services.
  • Low Latency: Leveraging WebRTC means WHIP can offer low-latency streaming suitable for live events.
  • Secure: Inherently supports encryption, ensuring secure data transmission.
  • Adaptable: Can adjust to different network conditions.


  • Newness: Being a draft and relatively new protocol, it might not be as widely adopted or supported yet.
  • Complexity: While WHIP aims to simplify ingestion, initial integration may require a learning curve.

Use Cases:

  • Live Streaming Platforms: Platforms that wish to offer a standardized ingestion method for broadcasters.
  • Broadcasters: Those looking for a simple and consistent way to send their live media to multiple services.
  • Cloud-based Streaming: Especially where a consistent interface for ingestion is beneficial.
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What: Zixi is a software-defined video platform that offers a cloud-based and on-premises solution to enable broadcast-quality video delivery over IP networks. It provides tools for content distribution, contribution, and aggregation. Utilizing proprietary protocols and technologies, Zixi offers robust error correction and bandwidth shaping capabilities, which helps to ensure high-quality, low-latency video streaming even in challenging network conditions.


  • Error Correction: Uses advanced algorithms to mitigate the effects of packet loss, ensuring a smooth streaming experience.
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: Dynamically adjusts the bitrate according to the network conditions to provide optimal video quality.
  • Secure: Provides end-to-end encryption for content protection.
  • Low Latency: Designed to deliver content with ultra-low latency, suitable for live events and broadcasts.
  • Scalability: Zixi's cloud-based solution allows for scaling up or down based on demand.


  • Proprietary: As it's a proprietary technology, integration might require specific tools or expertise.
  • Cost: Might be more expensive than some open-source alternatives.

Use Cases:

  • Live Broadcasting: Especially in scenarios where low latency and high reliability are crucial.
  • Contribution Feeds: For sending feeds from a live event location back to the main studio.
  • Distribution: Delivering content to affiliates or other distribution points across a wide area.
  • Remote Production: Facilitating production workflows where teams are spread out in different locations.
  • OTT Delivery: Streaming content directly to viewers over the internet.
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